Monthly Archives: December 2008

10 Reasons to go to a Poetry Reading

I’ve been to some amazing book readings this semester.. Yusef Komunyakaa, Richard McCann, Mathew Klam, D. Nurkse, Tracy K. Smith, Junot Diaz, Cathy Park Hong… and wait for it… Toni Morrison. That’s right. This past Monday I had the pleasure of seeing Ms. Morrison reading from her new novel “A Mercy” at the 92nd Y. It was wonderful and I even got my book signed!

Anyway, in the spirit of wonderful readings.. here are 10 reasons why you should go to a poetry reading (via Scott Owens).

Number 10: Extra Credit. It’s true, part of the audience at every poetry reading consists of college and high school students who have been bribed by their teachers to attend in an effort to expose them to “high culture.”

Number 9: Curiosity. Some attend just to see what it’s all about. Others because they know that poets, like most artists, can be a “curious” lot.

Reason number 8: To Support the Poet. A certain portion of the audience will be family and friends of the poets who know how broke and desperate for support they are.

Number 7: To Support Poetry. Some attend because they honestly love poetry and believe that it is important. Or,

Reason number 6: To support art in general or at least seem to be doing the artsy thing.

Number 5: Inspiration. A number of people in the audience will be other poets or wannabes scouting out ideas and taking notes.

The Number 4 Reason people go to poetry readings is Entertainment. They may not be rock concerts, but a lot of what you hear at a poetry reading is entertaining. Traditional readings are kind of like a jazz performance with poets improvising on the text. Performance poetry and poetry slams include even more heightened elements of drama, comedy, and sometimes, music.

Number 3 is Intellectual Stimulation. Understanding poems demands some intellectual engagement. And the voice of the poet can often help make sense of the poem in a way that reading it on the page alone can not.

Number 2: Catharsis. Poetry is simultaneously emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. The movement of poetry – the speaking in fragments and making associative leaps from one idea to the next – is a lot like life. When a poem taps into that, reading or hearing it is an emotional experience. A catharsis. At each of the last 4 poetry readings I’ve given, someone has cried. I consider that a good thing.

And the Number 1 reason to attend a poetry reading is To Get the News. Poems explore connections with and between things that are often overlooked. You read a newspaper to get the facts. Poems mine the timeless emotional undercurrents of those current events. William Carlos Williams said, “It is difficult to get the news from poetry, yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there.